Out and about in Kent

Inspire the rest of us! A place to pop a note / blog of your travels, a short desciption with a photo would be perfect.

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Out and about in Kent

Postby Weathers » Mon Mar 02, 2020 1:22 pm

Went out for the first drive in the new “wee beastie” (as my friend calls it). 40 miles or so on my local roads and despite being limited to 4K ish revs during the run in period to say that I was impressed and slightly terrorised by it is an understatement. It pushes you up the road like nothing else I’ve driven (and I’ve driven some fairly impressive machinery over the years). Oh and what a noise it makes. My friend, ever the lyricist, described it thus “F*** me. It sounds like a f***ing jet plane hitting the sound barrier”. Can’t say fairer than that. :D
Can’t wait to go out again ASAP.

Oh and yes Tony B it has a roof and no I didn’t use it.

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Re: Out and about in Kent

Postby Kegco » Mon Mar 02, 2020 2:17 pm

glad there was a few of us out :D
Are you feeling alright
NO ROOF ! :lol:
ST170 Tiger cat E1
2.1 Tiger cat E1
Mini Rod73 (track toy)

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Re: Out and about in Kent

Postby greenwoo » Mon Mar 02, 2020 3:24 pm

whaaaaaat no roof? are you mad, sickening for something?

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Tony B
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Re: Out and about in Kent

Postby Tony B » Mon Mar 02, 2020 3:59 pm

i can still see a pair of "doors" though - what are they all about??

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Re: Out and about in Kent

Postby DJ. » Mon Mar 02, 2020 6:25 pm

Sounds great :)

Probably best not to explore the full performance until the weather warms up, as I suspect the tyres will struggle with all that torque even when hot!

I finally got out in my Seven this afternoon after six weeks waiting for new dampers. Brilliant to be out again.

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