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How To … Make a Waypoint a Destination, and Vice Versa

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:27 pm
by Red27
As you can see, an itn file with lots/all Destination points, instead of Waypoints, can be disruptive to your journey if these have been used when really a Waypoint would have been better, as you need to “re-navigate” to the next Destination. When you have loaded an itn file to your TomTom, if you have not done this at all, or only infrequently, before, then load the file in the Itinerary Planning menu option and check to confirm that you see the expected mix of Waypoints and Destinations. If your file has changed to all Destinations, and this is not what you want, you can change some/nearly all (except that last one) to Waypoints.

The file shown below contains nearly all Destination points. If you’re not sure how to get to this point with an itn file on your TomTom, see “How To … Load an itn file on your TomTom To Start Driving It or “How To … Check if Your itn File Contains Waypoints or Destinations – And What’s the Difference?”


To change that first Destination to a Waypoint, I have just pressed it to reveal the following options


Press Mark as Waypoint to change the Destination to a Waypoint.


Repeat as many times as you need, or convert a Waypoint to a Destination if this is what you want to do.


Changes made like this are saved instantly, so you can use your updated itn file straight away, completing your navigation in the normal way (press Done, etc.)