A bit of an update, been a while, though not a huge amount to say. Helping the roofer mostly. He dropped a bombshell, needing a bit of time away for some surgery following the results of a biopsy. Lovely guy, wishing him the best with it all. Health comes first, hopefully a positive outcome and we’ll see him again soon.
Started on the cladding, though James is presently away and it’s a two person job. Picking him up tomorrow from Edinburgh Airport, so hopefully we can crack on.
Finished framing around the bay window. A hateful job, loads of angles, nothing to fix to and nothing square, a by product of the bay being damaged previously. Was hoping to install shutters though this may be a big ask given the issues.
The plan is to get the exterior cladding installed and maybe some guttering and then pin the plasterer down for a start date, hopefully mid August.
Out and about with the camera, trying out my Macro lens.
@Duncan, great article online, thought of you when I read it.
https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyl ... SApp_Other