New Members - Liability Disclaimer

Note: New Members should read the legal disclaimer within this forum, additionally Guests should have a quick look at the topic in here also.

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New Members - Liability Disclaimer

Postby greenwoo » Mon May 16, 2011 1:40 pm

From a Legal perspective we are required to differentiate between Members of SKCC and non members ( guests ). With many Clubs this is an easy proposition as payment for annual fees/subscriptions is normally the action associated with becoming a Member, however with SKCC there is currently no such annual fee.

Therefore our definition of a 'Member' for Legal purposes is as follows:
A registered user who has within the last 6 months contributed to the forum by way of 'posting' more than 20 messages on 10 different topics, or who has attended any Club related event within the last 6 months. 'Club Event' being defined as any run out or meeting advertised through the pages of the SKCC forum, where the Registered User has made his / her intention to attend visible ahead of the actual Event or Meeting.

If the definition above is unclear in any way to any individual then we would politley request that they write to the Administrator with their query.

The purpose of this definition is to clarify whom amongst the Registered Users is actually a Member for the sake of Public Liability. Any Registered User who does not concur with this definition is welcome to ask to be removed from the Club Forum.

Registered Users who fall within the boundaries stipulated above will be deemed to be Full Members of SKCC - Southern Kit Car Club and as such will fall under the umbrella of our Public Liability Insurance for Events attended that are arranged through the Club pages and forum.

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